How To Play Joker Card Game

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  1. How To Play The Joker Card Game
  2. Joker Poker Card
  3. How To Play Joker Card Game Number 10 Place

Each player is dealt with 13 cards and a random card is selected as wild joker or joker card of the game. The player has to draw and discard cards to form valid sets and sequences of the 13 cards in hand where player can also use wild joker or printed joker of the deck to make impure sequence and sets. In rummy, cards are ranked from 2-10. Then there are 4 face cards or high-value cards – Ace, Joker, Queen, and King. Each of these cards is allotted 10 points. The 4 suits in rummy are Diamonds, Spades, Clubs, and Hearts. In each of the suits, there will be 13 cards of the 4 different ranks. Jokers in rummy No explanation of ‘how to play.

This page is based on information from Kuromiya Kimihiko and Florent Barraco.


There are two Japanese games called Page One. The earlier game, described on this page, was played actively around the 1950s and 60s. From the 1970's onwards another game, a form of Crazy Eights, became popular and was also called Page One. The confusion probably arose because in both games the aim is to get rid of all one's cards by playing them to a central pile, with the obligation to call 'Page One' when one has onle a single card left. Those who know both games call the newer game American Page One to distinguish it from the older one, and that nomenclature is also used on this site.

Players and Cards


A standard pack is used, including one Joker, for a total of 53 cards. The Joker is the highest card, and below it the cards of each suit rank from high to low: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.

From two to five or six players may play, but note that if the game is played by more than four, the stock pile will often run out.


Deal and play are clockwise. The dealer deals four cards to each player, one card at a time. The remaining cards are stacked face down to form a stock pile from which cards are drawn during the game.


The player to dealer's left begins by leading any card. The other players in turn must follow suit if they can. A player who does not have any cards of the suit led must draw cards from the stock one by one until a card of the required suit is drawn. This card must be played to the trick. When each player has played a card, the highest card played wins that trick, the played cards are set aside, and the winner leads any card from his hand to the next trick.

If the cards in the stock run out, the cards from the previous completed tricks are shuffled and stacked face down to form a new stock.

It can happen, especially with more than four players, that there are no cards in the stock pile and there are no completed tricks from which to make a new pile. In this situation, if a player is unable to follow suit, the game ends as a draw.

The joker can be played to any trick and always wins the trick to which it is played. If the joker is led to a trick, the second player may play any card and the other players must play the same suit as this second card; the joker wins the trick.

End of the Game

The first player that gets rid of all cards in his hand wins the game. If a player has only two cards, he must say 'Page One!' when he plays one of them. If he forgets to do this before the next player plays a card or draws from the stock, he must draw five cards from the stock as a penalty. If a player wins a trick with his second last card and fails to say 'Page One!' before leading his last card, he must draw five cards from the stock or, if there is no stock, pick up all the cards of the trick that he won.

If a player holding one card is unable to follow suit to the next trick, but the first card drawn from the stock is playable, he must say 'Page One!' again when playing the drawn card.

Like many Japanese card games, Page One is normally played just to find the winner of a single deal: there is no scoring - but see variations.


Some begin by dealing five cards to each player, rather than four.

Some play that it is illegal to play the joker unless you have no cards of the suit that was led in your hand.

Some play that the holder of the joker must play it when having no cards of the suit led. A player is not allowed to draw cards from the stock when holding the joker.

Some do not allow the joker to be played as a player's last card. How to play spud. In this version, a player whose only card is the joker must draw from the stock at his turn, since the joker cannot be played last. Note that a player holding only two cards, one of which is the joker, should in any case normally play the joker as the second last card, winning the trick, and then lead his last card to win (assuming that no other player has already run out of cards).

Some play that when the stock is exhausted, the completed tricks are not shuffled to make a new stock. Instead, from this point on, any player who is unable to follow suit must pick up all the cards so far played to the trick. This ends the trick: any players sitting after the one who was unable to play do not play a card to this trick. Whoever played the highest card to the incomplete trick leads any card to start a new trick. This version of the game can be played by up to eight players, since running out of stock cards is not a problem under these rules.

Here's a new card game to learn that is perfect for your next family game night! This has been a favorite in our family for years. I played it with my grandparents and at family gatherings. My great uncle used to tease my great aunt that this game kept her mind sharp! Some of the best memories happen around a good family game.

You can play this game with anywhere from 2 to 6 players. You'll need one deck of cards for every two players.

There are 11 rounds to the game. In each round, the number of cards dealt changes, and the requirements for laying down your hand changes. Bancontact mister cash. The wild card also changes! Ha! See what I mean about keeping your mind sharp?

We'll talk about the rounds in a minute, but first let's talk about turns. The dealer deals out the correct number of cards. He'll then place the rest of the deck on the table and turn the top card over. When it is your turn, you'll make a choice to either take the top card from the discard pile or draw a card from the deck. You'll end your turn by choosing a card to discard. You can lay down your cards when your hand meets the requirements of the round.

To lay down (or go out, whatever you want to call it) a player must use all their cards. The rounds are as follows.



A standard pack is used, including one Joker, for a total of 53 cards. The Joker is the highest card, and below it the cards of each suit rank from high to low: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.

From two to five or six players may play, but note that if the game is played by more than four, the stock pile will often run out.


Deal and play are clockwise. The dealer deals four cards to each player, one card at a time. The remaining cards are stacked face down to form a stock pile from which cards are drawn during the game.


The player to dealer's left begins by leading any card. The other players in turn must follow suit if they can. A player who does not have any cards of the suit led must draw cards from the stock one by one until a card of the required suit is drawn. This card must be played to the trick. When each player has played a card, the highest card played wins that trick, the played cards are set aside, and the winner leads any card from his hand to the next trick.

If the cards in the stock run out, the cards from the previous completed tricks are shuffled and stacked face down to form a new stock.

It can happen, especially with more than four players, that there are no cards in the stock pile and there are no completed tricks from which to make a new pile. In this situation, if a player is unable to follow suit, the game ends as a draw.

The joker can be played to any trick and always wins the trick to which it is played. If the joker is led to a trick, the second player may play any card and the other players must play the same suit as this second card; the joker wins the trick.

End of the Game

The first player that gets rid of all cards in his hand wins the game. If a player has only two cards, he must say 'Page One!' when he plays one of them. If he forgets to do this before the next player plays a card or draws from the stock, he must draw five cards from the stock as a penalty. If a player wins a trick with his second last card and fails to say 'Page One!' before leading his last card, he must draw five cards from the stock or, if there is no stock, pick up all the cards of the trick that he won.

If a player holding one card is unable to follow suit to the next trick, but the first card drawn from the stock is playable, he must say 'Page One!' again when playing the drawn card.

Like many Japanese card games, Page One is normally played just to find the winner of a single deal: there is no scoring - but see variations.


Some begin by dealing five cards to each player, rather than four.

Some play that it is illegal to play the joker unless you have no cards of the suit that was led in your hand.

Some play that the holder of the joker must play it when having no cards of the suit led. A player is not allowed to draw cards from the stock when holding the joker.

Some do not allow the joker to be played as a player's last card. How to play spud. In this version, a player whose only card is the joker must draw from the stock at his turn, since the joker cannot be played last. Note that a player holding only two cards, one of which is the joker, should in any case normally play the joker as the second last card, winning the trick, and then lead his last card to win (assuming that no other player has already run out of cards).

Some play that when the stock is exhausted, the completed tricks are not shuffled to make a new stock. Instead, from this point on, any player who is unable to follow suit must pick up all the cards so far played to the trick. This ends the trick: any players sitting after the one who was unable to play do not play a card to this trick. Whoever played the highest card to the incomplete trick leads any card to start a new trick. This version of the game can be played by up to eight players, since running out of stock cards is not a problem under these rules.

Here's a new card game to learn that is perfect for your next family game night! This has been a favorite in our family for years. I played it with my grandparents and at family gatherings. My great uncle used to tease my great aunt that this game kept her mind sharp! Some of the best memories happen around a good family game.

You can play this game with anywhere from 2 to 6 players. You'll need one deck of cards for every two players.

There are 11 rounds to the game. In each round, the number of cards dealt changes, and the requirements for laying down your hand changes. Bancontact mister cash. The wild card also changes! Ha! See what I mean about keeping your mind sharp?

We'll talk about the rounds in a minute, but first let's talk about turns. The dealer deals out the correct number of cards. He'll then place the rest of the deck on the table and turn the top card over. When it is your turn, you'll make a choice to either take the top card from the discard pile or draw a card from the deck. You'll end your turn by choosing a card to discard. You can lay down your cards when your hand meets the requirements of the round.

To lay down (or go out, whatever you want to call it) a player must use all their cards. The rounds are as follows.


Jokers are wild on all rounds.

Round 1 – Deal 3 cards. 3's are wild. Must have a set of 3 or run of 3 to go out.

Round 2 – Deal 4 cards. 4's are wild. Must have a set of 4 or run of 4 to go out.

Round 3 – Deal 5 cards. 5's are wild. Must have a set of 5 or run of 5 to go out.

Round 4: Deal 6 cards. 6's are wild. Must have a set of 6, run of 6, or two runs of 3, two sets of 3, or a set of 3 and run of 3. Lots of options here!

From here on out, all sets or runs must have at least 3 cards. There are several combinations that will allow you to lay down your cards.

Round 5: Deal 7 cards. 7's are wild. Must play all 7 cards to go out.

Ruby fortune casino review. Round 6: Deal 8 cards. 8's are wild. Must play all 8 cards to go out.

Round 7: Deal 9 cards. 9's are wild. Must play all 9 cards to go out.

Round 8: Deal 10 cards. 10's are wild. Must play all 10 cards to go out.

Round 9: Deal 11 cards. Jacks are wild. Must play all 11 cards to go out.

Round 10: Deal 12 cards. Queens are wild. Must play all 12 cards to go out.

Round 11: Deal 13 cards. Kings are wild. Must play all 13 cards to go out.


Once a player has gone out, everyone else gets one more turn.

For the players who could not go out, any sets or runs that have 3 or more cards do not count against them. The rest of the cards do.

Ace is low.

Modifications for younger kids:

We don't always play the whole game in one sitting! If you have younger kids, or if you don't have long to play, just play the first few rounds and then determine a winner. Or, save the rest of the rounds for later.

Need more game night ideas?

Here are some Minute-to-Win-It family games.

And some LEGO games! We love LEGO.

How To Play The Joker Card Game

Here's a collection of Nerf Target Games to make.


Joker Poker Card

Post a Comment

How To Play Joker Card Game Number 10 Place

  1. thank you for sharing this card game! our family is always looking for new games to play together. this game looks like something we will all enjoy!!

  2. The instructions say 'the rest of the cards do' (count against them). In what way do the rest of the cards count against them? Thanks!

    1. We count the remaining cards as number states with Ace-1; 2-10 as per number; Jack=11; Queen=12; King-13

      1. Reply
        1. King, Queen and Jack are 10 each. Jokers and wild cards are 20 each when you get stuck with them.

  3. We have played this game for years as Progressive Rum.

  4. Reply
    1. I've never heard of five crowns so I don't know! Could be the same game with multiple names.

    2. Five Crowns has five suits, instead of 4, and for runs the cards have to be all the same suit. In this game suits don't seem to matter at all. That's the only difference.

    3. Five Crowns has a specific deck with 5 suits but no 2's or aces. It is played the same way as 3-13.

  5. Maybe a silly question, but if you are playing with small children, are the 'runs' in the same suit or just a run of numbers?

    1. Runs need to be in the same suit. Although I think it would work to adjust the rules for young kids!

  6. We call it Dummy Rummy and the person who mistakenly discards the wild card gets to wear the dummy hat. (mine is a jesters hat)

  7. So you do not lay cards down as you go? You hold everything in your hand until you can go out?

    1. That is correct. When you get to the rounds where you have a lot of cards, it's fine to lay some of them face down on the table.

  8. We play this game but call it Bush Rummy. We have 15 rounds as we play 'Ace' and 'Two' rounds (14 and 15) after 'Kings'. Jokers are worth 50 if you get stuck with one when you're forced to lay down.

  9. Is it a rule that you cannot go 'out' on first turn?

    1. Funny you should ask.. :-) It wasn't a rule, but at our house, we actually just made this a rule. I think that poor card shuffling from the younger kids has been causing this to happen too often. My husband decided that they could no longer go out on the first turn!


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